At this point in 2020, you can no longer make jokes about COVID, COVID or whatever we want to call this pandemic that plagues the planet. At the beginning of the pandemic, memes flooded social networks. People used to joke about sneezing, about masks, about confinement ... We are a country very given to jokes and ingenuity, in situations like this, we are never lacking. We are the country of jokes, after all. And surely the country where more comedians and more imitators are born per square kilometer, too. But the time for jokes is over. To begin with, many people have died as a result of the Coronavirus. In this minute of the game, practically everyone, even by reference, knows someone who has been or is infected with COVID-19. And the next ones, perhaps, will be us. And that is no joke.
Nor is it true to check to what extent our lives have changed because of the pandemic and the decisions our authorities have made. We cannot hug friends. We cannot have physical contact with the people we love. Because we cannot, now, in Barcelona, we cannot even go to have a beer, a vermouth or a soft drink on the terrace of a bar. And we cannot be on the street after 10 at night. We can, yes, go to work and take the children to school. For now
The curfew, that term that sounds both wartime and post-war, has ended up gaining adherents and has ended up imposing itself on the conscience of politicians as a necessity. After all, that is always easier than doing mass screening of the population, detecting the outbreaks at the beginning, isolating those who are infected and, above all, caring for and looking after the weakest and those in the greatest situation risky. Anyway ... things that are now called governance.
Brothels closing in Barcelona
In this climate of restrictions, it would have been strange for hostesses and whorehouses to remain unscathed. One of the collateral effects of the Coronavirus has been the closure of these stores. In August, the Minister of Equality of the Government of Spain, Irene Monterio, asked the Autonomous Communities to take action on "those places where prostitution is practiced." According to the Minister, some COVID outbreaks had occurred in these places.
In a letter addressed to those responsible for the different Autonomous Communities (which are the ones with powers to decree hours and closures of premises), Montero requested that these premises be closed and, at the same time, offered to sex workers who lent their services in them "worthy alternatives" so that they could cope financially with the situation.
This request was quickly collected and attended to by the Generalitat de Catalunya. The latter, through resolution SLT / 2782/2020, ordered the closure of 94 brothels throughout the Catalan territory. By means of this order, the closure of all those hostess premises in Catalonia that possessed a license of "public establishment with reserved annex" was decreed. The Catalan government order did not affect clandestine brothels or premises that were open by virtue of a license for other activities not affected by the decision of the autonomous government.
Experts on issues related to prostitution and its exercise pointed out at the time that the decree of the Generalitat, approved on August 17, did not affect independent sex workers or escort agencies. The experts also pointed out that, to a large extent, the escort agencies had been gaining ground in recent years to the traditional brothels.
Much more discreet than the typical road brothels , so striking with their neon lights and with a somewhat outdated and lumpen image, the escort agencies had managed to win the predilection of hookers, especially those who live in the big capitals , where the offer of agencies of this type is more numerous and varied and where you can enjoy a more exclusive and glamorous atmosphere. Thus, these prostitution clients prefer to resort to online whore directories to hire a escort girl or contact a luxury prostitute agency online than to go to a traditional whorehouse to have a sexual encounter with a lumi.
The best escort agencies in Barcelona usually guarantee all the necessary hygiene measures in their premises. Today, these measures are even more comprehensive. This guarantee allows these establishments to continue offering their services in these tough times for all of us. Agencies such as Casual Escorts, Lola Martí, Standing Models, Blue Velvet, La Vie en Rose, Le Privée, Times Escorts, SugarGirls , Elegancy Models, Le Vip, Maison Close, Ok Escorts, Felina Barcelona, La Suite, Perla Negra, Models Escorts o Desire Vip continue to fight in Barcelona to offer the best escorts in Barcelona to those lovers of erotic pleasure who, with all the care imposed by a pandemic like the one we are suffering, do not give up or want to give up leading a life as similar possible to which we were not so long ago, when we had not yet heard the word Coronavirus quoted and when it seemed unimaginable that we all went down the street with half our faces covered by a mask.
Closure of hostess clubs in Barcelona and curfew
For those who, beyond looking for the direct and guaranteed sex of a date with a whore, want to enjoy the liberal and carefree atmosphere of a swinger club, things have really gotten rough with this Coronavirus. In fact, they had already gone raw with the closure of bars and restaurants decreed by the Generalitat last Friday, October 16. This closure, decreed for 15 days, is, theoretically, nearing completion but ... will bars and entertainment venues really be allowed to reopen when that initially announced period has elapsed?
The improvisation with which the authorities seem to act since the pandemic began does not allow for a clear forecast. On the one hand, it is ensured that these places are a source of contagion (are there real statistics in this regard? Are more people actually contagious there than in the subway, the supermarket, work or private meetings?). On the other hand, keeping all these businesses closed for a long time will be a very severe economic blow (another, after the one received during the total confinement) for their owners, many of whom will be forced to lower the blind, thus worsening an economic situation already serious in itself. What option will the Government finally choose? Will they allow the bars and restaurants of Catalonia to reopen, even with time and capacity restrictions?
Beyond the end or not of the closing of the bars, the truth is that the new state of alarm promoted by the Government of Spain, together with the curfew decreed throughout the Spanish territory between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. (in Catalonia it is from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.), it does not allow us to predict that the hostess clubs and swinger clubs in Catalonia will return to their desired normality in too short a time.
While that moment arrives, it seems that lovers of swinger clubs and private clubs in Barcelona will not be able to do much more than look after their health (let no one forget the mask and routine hand hygiene) and make an effort to contain your mobility. But if sexual desire squeezes, all those people keep in mind the aforementioned: in Barcelona many escort agencies are still active that guarantee all the necessary hygiene in their facilities and in their staff, and many independent luxury prostitutes who, in time of COVID, are offered as a guarantee of safe pleasure.
Also in the midst of the plagues you have to find a way to enjoy yourself. With guarantees, of course. But we would be foolish if we gave up pleasure just because, out of unjustified fear or because someone imposed it on us.